''Commercial Click''
A commercial photo, individually or in groups, one shot or multiple, for a flyer, event, poster, leaflet, magazine, private party, business introduction, commercial presentation or a promotional event. Location is flexible.
Prices depending on customers wishes and requirements.
''Character Click - Portraits''
See the pure you through the lens, we capture you purely how you are and who you are in real life. A mom? A business man? A traveler? A music artist? A grandmother?
We shoot in RAW and we will shoot the RAW you.
''Confidence Click - Self confidence Program''
Boost your confidence with the confidence click program! Styling, make-up artist and the photographer will be arranged personally for you. You will get coached during this 2 hours program and it will definitely give you a boost to your self confidence!
Shoot to be booked for different purposes, for children, teenagers, schools and adults.
''Customized Click - Tell your story''
This clicks are customized per customer. May we have the privilege to tell
your story? Do you want a biography serie of photos? Or may we tell your lovestory?
For all assignments the terms and conditions on this Website applies.

I am Karin, your international photographer, I will travel and work overtime to make your story completed. I shoot in RAW, in photography language this means something way different than I actually want to tell you.
I capture the pure you, how you are in daily life, how you feel, I capture your emotions and I do everything to make sure I tell the story you want me to tell.
I photograph to show others the extra dimension, I add the layer that we sometimes miss out from. Capturing memories or tell stories in such a different perspective then we might see it ourselves. Blinded by our own believes and our own thoughts we possibly miss out on the truth behind the event or feelings of another.
To capture the RAW emotion, beauty and true story my customers want me to tell I can add this extra dimension that we may sometimes need as a human being. Or we might want us to remember it and keep the precious things as a memory, saved in a picture.
I would like to tell as many stories as possible, show events in a different perspective and therewith create a whole new dimension on the beauty of our own stories.